As a former Pre-Kindergarten teacher and now stay-at-home mommy of 2 boys and a sweet baby girl, many people ask me how they can be implementing educational concepts in the lives of their young children at home before they enter school. Instead of trying to come up with a quick list of ideas off the top of my head to answer these questions, I have decided to put all of my lessons into this blog. I, along with so many other parents, want to be purposeful at home with my children and make the most of the time I have with them.
I hope that this blog can help, encourage, and inspire you to work with your kiddos and
get involved in the learning process! The benefits will be endless,
and the moments you share together will be priceless! As Dr. Seuss once said,
"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!"

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wacky Word "Friday": Read Aloud with Story Stars

(Switching Wednesday and Friday subjects because of Halloween:))

* To read a story aloud
* To use context clues and critical thinking to answer questions about the story

* Book of your choice
* Story Star Wands (if you would like to purchase them)

* Scissors
* Glue
* 8 Popsicle Sticks
* Story Stars printable from me :)

* The Lakeshore Story Star Wands are some of my favorite materials that I purchased as a teacher.  They are wonderful to check for reading comprehension when you are reading a book with your children.  I created a printable version of the stars for you that you can cut out and glue to popsicle sticks to have the same exact thing!

* Pick out a book that your child has never read.  Before reading, ask your child to look at the cover of the book and listen to the title, and, using the first star, ask, "What will happen in the story?"  Have them use their thinking skills to guess what the story will be about.

* Start reading the book.  After the first page or two, ask, "Where is the setting of the story?"  Tell them that the setting is when and where the story takes place.

* At a pivotal part in the story, ask, "What will happen next?"  Have them state their predictions.

* When the entire story is finished, use the remaining five stars and ask each question: "Who was in the story? Who was your favorite character? What was the story about? How did the story end?"  Make sure your child is retelling the story correctly and pointing out details.  This will check their comprehension.

* Finally ask, "What was your favorite part of the story?"  Keep asking these questions when you read to your kiddos!  The more questions you ask, the better understanding they will have of the story and the more practice they will get using context clues and critical thinking skills!

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