As a former Pre-Kindergarten teacher and now stay-at-home mommy of 2 boys and a sweet baby girl, many people ask me how they can be implementing educational concepts in the lives of their young children at home before they enter school. Instead of trying to come up with a quick list of ideas off the top of my head to answer these questions, I have decided to put all of my lessons into this blog. I, along with so many other parents, want to be purposeful at home with my children and make the most of the time I have with them.
I hope that this blog can help, encourage, and inspire you to work with your kiddos and
get involved in the learning process! The benefits will be endless,
and the moments you share together will be priceless! As Dr. Seuss once said,
"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!"

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thoroughly Thoughtful Thursday: Five Minute Devotionals for Children

Every night before bed, we typically read a story from our Jesus Calling Storybook Bible.  However, we have been through this whole Bible multiple times, and I wanted to find some devotionals to do for the summer nights.  My mom happened to find these amazing devotional books at a book fair and bought them for my son's kindergarten graduation gift.  They are so perfect for my children and discuss topics that every kid needs to learn about.  The authors Pamela Kennedy, Anne Kennedy Brady, and Douglas Kennedy make each story relatable and enjoyable!  I highly recommend these devotionals to do with your family!

Book #1

Book #2

Book #3

Book #4

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